Kabbalah Exposed

Here, I would share some perspectives with regards to the Kabbalah.



2012 – The Root of our Unhappines

The fact that our desires are not constantly infused with Light is the foundation of our unhappiness and anxiety. If there is joy in an area of our lives for five years, it means there was only enough Light in the “tank” to last for those five years. Running out of Light – or rather, disconnecting from Light – is what made us unhappy. The more Light we have in our lives, the longer our desires remain fulfilled and the Happier we are.

 We also have a lingering deep-stated fear that our happiness will eventually end. When we find ourselves in a rare state of contentment and serenity, we have a negative tendency to believe it’s too good to be true. We worry about tomorrow. And the moment these doubts creep in , the instant we begin to worry about how long it will last, we run out of Light. We lose the connection. Light is therefore also defined as the comfort, security, and peace of mind of knowing that happiness will still be with us tomorrow. When we are connected to the Light, there is no fear, anxiety, or insecurity about the future.
(Berg, Yehuda. The power of Kabbalah. 2nd. 1. London: 2004. 10)

However, let’s replace the word ‘Light’ with the word ‘Money’ to see which paragraph makes more sense.

“The fact that our desires are not constantly infused with Money is the foundation of our unhappiness and anxiety. If there is joy in an area of our lives for five years, it means there was only enough Money in the “tank” to last for those five years. Running out of Money – or rather, disconnecting from Money – is what made us unhappy. The more Money we have in our lives, the longer our desires remain fulfilled and the Happier we are.

We also have a lingering deep-stated fear that our happiness will eventually end. When we find ourselves in a rare state of contentment and serenity, we have a negative tendency to believe it’s too good to be true. We worry about tomorrow. And the moment these doubts creep in, the instant we begin to worry about how long it will last, we run out of Money. We lose the connection. Money is therefore also defined as the comfort, security, and peace of mind of knowing that happiness will still be with us tomorrow. When we are connected to the Money, there is no fear, anxiety, or insecurity about the future. “

Now seriously, when we look at the practicality of our physical existence, it is not  the ‘Light’ that allow one to be happy, it is how much Money one has to be able to fulfil one’s happiness through consumerism. It was proven that in the year 2011, 3.3 billion people in this world are jobless which means that they do not have Money. I’m sure that most of them do not experience constant happiness because they are simply disconnected from Money. No matter how strong they will believe in the ‘Light’, there won’t be any food on their table and they will die, every 3 second, from starvation.

The ‘light’ or the connectedness to ‘light’ didn’t stand the test of time as the poverty around the world but only increasing. Those that feels or “know” their connectedness to ‘light’ are only those who have Money and as soon as money runs out, the light become darkness.

The intent of the three “true Kabbalists” Ashlag, Brandwein and Berg was “not a Nobel Prize, academic acclaim, or endless philosophical discourse; the goal of these Kabbalists was to bring simple happiness, peace, and fulfilment to all humanity.” (Berg, Yehuda. The power of Kabbalah. 2nd. 1. london: 2004. xxi). However, we can see that unless you don’t have light which is Money, happiness cannot be found. So, what is the solution? How can we make sure all have Light, Or shell I say, Money? And how can we make sure the constant happiness can be fulfilled?

Equal Money System is the ultimate solution. Why Equal Money? This would is nothing but an abusive manifestation for the majority of people which are constantly and continually fights for their survival. When one is fighting for one’s survival, one might have a snip of a moment of happiness and that happiness ends the moment after when the stomach signals: “I’m hungry and I haven’t been eaten for days”.

So let’s bring some ‘light’ into this world through ‘Equal Money System’. Study what Equal Money System implies and stand as the ‘light’ for those who cannot stand for themselves. Become the Pillar that shines because it is YOU who have the keys for constant happiness, not only for yourself, but also of others.



2012 – Kabbalah – The 99% World

One of the basics principles of the Kabbalah is that there are two realities that exist: “Our 1% World of Darkness and the 99% realm of Light”, wherein, one has access to the 1% of the physical reality through one’s 5 senses (Touch, Hear, Taste, Smell, sight) and the 99% of the reality is the source of all lasting fulfilment.

Let’s walk this in details:

According to the Kabbalah, the 1% is the physical reality that you can smell, see, touch, taste and hear. What does it practically imply? Since you cannot use your 5 senses, in awareness of all that is here, of all that exists, everything that is not in your direct environment isn’t part of the 1%, which according to the Kabbalah it means that it is part of the 99% as the “lasting fulfilment”. But is it?

If we look at that equation, the starving child in the other side of the world, is part of the 99% because you don’t see the skin that covers his body that consist of only bones and organs, you can’t hear his crying for food, you can’t touch him, you can’t taste him and you can’t smell his bad body smell due to not having sufficient hygiene facilities.

Now, let’s take it one step further – Can you use your 5 senses to feel your cells in your human physical body? Can you feel the blood moving in your veins? Can you speak with your body and with every cell of your body, with every organ? No. does it means that it doesn’t exist as the physical reality which represent the 1%?
From here, we can simply see that this basic principle of the Kabbalah was made from the starting point of separation. Why?

If we look at the example of the starving child, he is part of the 99% that you can only access when you study the secret of the Kabbalah. Until then, his existence doesn’t affect you, the physical suffering that he is experiencing isn’t relevant to you and the continuation of the abuse in this world keeps on occurring because you won’t do anything to change that which is not part of the 1% of your reality.

If we then look at the example with the human physical body, it clearly shows how we have been separated to such an extent from our own human physical body, that we can’t even be Equal and One within and as our human physical body.

However, everything in existence is a Physical manifestation even if we can’t use our 5 senses, everything in existence consists of and exists as the 100% in fact, but we cannot grasp it due to our limited expression due to the separation that we have all accepted and allowed.

We have separated ourselves to such an extent that we perceive reality only through our 5 senses even though, there is much more in existence than what we perceive with our 5 senses. Not even considering the question “Why is that like this?”, shows how limited and separate we are, not only from all that exists but also from ourselves as the human physical body.

This statement is a deliberate manipulation, to not consider the REAL 100% of the physical existence that is in fact ‘Here’ and so, we remain within the idea of 1%, the 1 Point that will keep us controlled, limited and enslaved. This 1 point that the Kabbalah manipulates with through “all lasting fulfilment” is to keep beings trapped within their own self-interest, seeking happiness, in total and complete disregard of the 100%; instead of imposing and impulsing Equality and Oneness, the Kabbalah assists and supports the continuation of separation in this world for the past 2000 years.

Furthermore, is the 99% that can be taught only by the Kabbalist are actual and practical education of how this reality works? No. The test of time proves that as the world continue De-Evolving into a total disaster.

See, when one do not educate oneself to understand and realize how this world works and functions, one become the experience of uselessness and as such, do not Practically act/stand up to create a substantial change in this world. One is rather stuck in the slavery labour system, completely occupied with survival which eventually leads to giving up the actuality of becoming the key to change this reality as the totality of the 100%. And thus, we sit back, within our 1% bubble as the mind, completely separated from the 100% of reality which within that, we accept and allow the abuse and suffering in the world. What we have yet to understand is that unless we are all Equally free from the forced reality of survival, real Joy, real Love and real Happiness cannot exist in its totality wherein everyone are free to express themselves, to enjoy themselves in this physical reality.

We can clearly see that the Kabbalah isn’t standing in alignment to the principle of Oneness and Equality as what is best for all but only referring to the Elite in this world, who has enough money to entertain themselves with the Kabbalah message and sustain their fake happiness through faith and hope.

The Kabbalah teaching doesn’t have any substantial solution that will assist and support with getting back ‘Here’ as the 100% in full consideration of all that is here. One should ask oneself “why”. One should look at the Kabbalah’s word and ask oneself: Is the principle of Equality and Oneness practically applied? Is there any practical solution that is best for all in the Kabbalah teaching, which does not consist of only having faith and believes?

One should consider what DOES Equality and Oneness practicality mean? How can we make sure that all have a dignified life? How can we change ourselves into seeing and realizing that we are actually 100% of this existence and it is up to us to stand up, face that which we have blindly accepted and allowed and through that, walking the solution that is best for all, internally and externally.

Internally would mean to walk a process of Re-Education, to get to know ourselves as the mind, how we designed ourselves to only be aware of the limited 1% or even less than that in this world; how the Mind Consciousness System works; how we have automated ourselves to react/feel/think and What can be practically done to change ourselves into and as a physical being that walk in every breath according to principles of Oneness and Equality as what is best for all.

Externally would mean to Re-Educate ourselves in what is really going on in this world, how things works for example, how the economy works and what are the basic guidelines that established the capitalism system, How money works, what happening with the food we are eating, why there are changes in the weather, is the Oil running out, is the health system is based on what is best for the patient or is it based on what makes the most profit?  Because only if we know how everything works in this world, we won’t be subjected and submitted to that which we are constantly being infused with through the deceptive media, politicians, government and etc. Once we see how we’ve been nothing but a puppet to benefit a few, we can stand up and change this current money system of abuse and survival, creating a system that is best for all, that consider the 100%, that consider what is really best for all.

So Educate yourself internally with the Desteni I Process and externally with participating with the Equal Money System Forum.

For more perspective with regards the 1% and the 99%, check out:

2012: Who is the 99% and Who is the 1%?

This video speak about how we are in fact only 1%, not taking into consideration the entire 99% which is all the beings in this world. A solution can only stand when all the 100% are taking into consideration as what is best for all as a whole.

 And a point to ponder:

“It is important to realize and investigate the fact that the part that goes to the afterlife is actually physical and is created and formed as energy transmuted form the physical that ends up as a higher vibration and a LESSER density. Thus–the origin of the afterlife is the physical and thus the physical is the SOURCE – Thus actually a TOTAL reverse to what is being taught in spirituality”. BernardPoolman

One response to “Kabbalah Exposed

  1. Cool realizations 🙂

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